

Lara and Barinas win the National Field Hockey Tournament

October 16, 2019

Lara and Barinas win the National Field Hockey Tournament

Lara men’s team and the Barinas women's team won the National Field Hockey Championship played at the Aquilino Juárez Sports Center in Cabudare, Lara state.

The women’s tournament was won by Barinas against Lara in shootouts 3-2, while the men's host team (Lara) beat La Guaira 4-3, also on shootouts. The Yaracuy state was in third place in both genders.

“I congratulate everyone for being able to participate in this national tournament. I know how much effort each one makes to attend. Thank you to all the umpires, officials and FVH staff for carrying out this tournament. To the athletes, coaches and heads of the states, congratulations for not letting hockey die in Venezuela” said Zuleika Seijas, president of the Venezuelan Field Hockey Federation.

Anzoátegui, Aragua, Barinas, Guárico, Lara, La Guaira and Yaracuy, were the states that gave life to the tournament to promote its practice around the country.


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